Perfecting Putting Fundamentals

8ft. Trainer Putting Green
The 8ft. Trainer indoor putting green provides faster and easier routines on your time, your way.

Core Putting Fundamentals
Posture and position
A consistent stroke starts a comfortable stance over the ball and putting on a sturdy base with a responsive surface. Improving the stroke with head alignment, ball placement and having visual of the aim-line to the hole.
Putter Take-A-Way
A automated full body putter take-a-way with the correct tempo of the back and forward motion. finish with a smooth swing path and tempo to the ball. The hands continuing to the target with hands and putter at same speed while squaring the club head to the AIM line.
Club head follow-through
The reward is the immediate feedback re;easomg the ball to the hole. Repetitive putting routines will correct poor fundamentals of the posture, swing path and tempo. improving club accuracy and follow-through.

Correct and improve core putting fundamentals with OnePuttZone worksheets and advanced indoor putting greens.
10ft-14ft XL Trainer Putting Green
10ft / 14ft Advantage XL Trainer indoor putting green improves putt-line accuracy with OnePuttZone worksheets.
Perfecting Putt-line Accuracy
Extending the stroke to the hole
Even the best stroke falling off the AiM line a couple of inches is a missed putt. Making longer putts requires the ball to stays on the AIM line to the hole.
Take-a-way to putting hole
Extend practicing core fundamentals of alignment, tempo, and club head follow through along with squaring the club head to the AIM line as the ball rolls to the hole.
Putting drills for perfection
Lasers and a marked AIM line can be helpful to see a visual of the ball released and tracking the AIM line. Find your rhythm as the ball releases to the target as well as confirming the accuracy of putts tracking the AIM line to the hole.

9ft.-14ft Pro Trainer Putting Green
9ft /14ft Advantage Pro Trainer Putting Green improves AIM & SPEED for Reading Greens with OnePuttZone worksheets
Train our eyes to visualize the correct path-line's Aim & Speed
Perfecting AIM and SPEED
Train our eyes to read the green
Train our stroke by reading the green with drills of selected breaking putts. Use what you learned from the selected references to read the golf course putting green.
Train our eyes to read the path line
Train our eyes to read the path-line with drills of selected breaking putts by receiving instant feedback of balls changing direction when slowing down.
Train our touch for the right AIM and SPEED
Train our touch to have the right speed with drills of selected breaking putts by setting up different angles and speed to the putting hole.

OnePuttZone Worksheets
Durable “State of the Art”. Platform
Easy setup for precision putting
Visual of ball roll to the hole